From insights to action

As the global food demand grows, farmers face the urgent task of producing more, improving quality, and adopting more sustainable practices. To achieve this, they require high-quality data and innovative tools that can turn insights into action. This is where digital farming steps in. From tools that simply connect farmers to the right fertilizers, to precision-agriculture technologies that deliver actionable data – digital solutions can optimize almost every aspect of agricultural production. 

Find out why digital farming is the next big revolution in agriculture by watching the video.

Where digital farming meets regenerative agriculture

Farmer & an agronimist on a farm using a digital tool

At Yara, we believe regenerative agriculture – sustainable farming practices that positively impact nature and climate – is essential for success. Therefore, our customizable digital solutions enable the entire food value chain to benefit from these practices, for both large- and small-scale farmers across Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe. Drawing on over 100+ years of crop nutrition experience and understanding of farmers’ needs, these solutions aim to optimize climate smart farming practices worldwide.

Explore our digital farming solutions

Aerial view of a tea farm using digital tools

What’s our reach?

10 +

Number of digital solutions


Number of countries

10 Mha

Number of hectares digitalized

How Yara supports farmers with digital farming

Nicolas Steinberg profile

"In the Americas, we are enabling farmers, food companies/off-takers, and retailers with a suite of digital tools and platforms. These data-driven solutions allow stakeholders across the value chain to optimize farming practices, enhance productivity, while meeting sustainability standards and goals. We have a pipeline of innovations that will ensure resilience, efficiency, and the adoption of regenerative methods."

Nicolas Steinberg, VP Digital Innovation
Yara Americas

Yim Cheng profile

"In the last decade, internet penetration has more than doubled across Asia and Africa. With access to digital tools and platforms, smallholder farmers and retailers can capitalize on technology-driven solutions to improve their ways of working. We also harness valuable data to tackle challenges at scale, optimizing our distribution channels and building resilience for farmers in the face of evolving agricultural challenges."

Yim Cheng, SVP Digital Value Chain Solutions
Yara Africa & Asia

James Craske profile

“Farmers in Europe are under increasing pressure each year as deadlines from the Green Deal approach. To support them in reaching these goals through nutrient use efficiency while maximising yields to feed a growing global population, Yara in Region Europe is scaling connectivity and building an ecosystem of Digital Solutions like Atfarm, YaraPlus, and Megalab, with even more in development.”

James Craske, VP Digital Solutions
Yara Europe

Yara agronomist and farmer talking about regenerative agriculture on a field Man's hand touching the root of a tree

Toward a Nature-Positive Food Future

At Yara, we are committed to our ambition of Growing a Nature-Positive Food Future, and we are convinced that regenerative agriculture is crucial for the journey ahead. At the same time, we understand that adopting regenerative practices calls for both digital and physical solutions.

Yara Thryve GIF

That is why we provide farmers with crop nutrition solutions and agronomic advice and empower the entire food value chain with innovative tools and data-driven insights. By embracing this integrated approach, we can improve farmers’ livelihoods and increase food productivity, while minimizing the impact on our planet.

Read about our approach to Regenerative Agriculture